Saturday, March 12, 2011
Runescape gold question?
Go gather flax and sell it. I you want to you can make it into bowstrings fOr a little extra cash. Flax is the quickest way to get money end of story.
Help!! Pageant dress troubles?
I am gonna be in my school's pageant this weekend, and I just got a dress. the dress is perfect. Red, cutout in the back and just GORGEOUS! The only thing is I am literally flat chested. I am not exaggerating! and this dress is like a size 4, and the boobs are pretty huge! We borrowed it from a friend, and we cannot do anything like stitching, hemming, ext. Please help and give links and/or ideas on how to solve this problem. Thank you!
I'm 16 and I got my first job. Should I save up for a shopping spree or should I save up for a car?
===== save for the college wardrobe (( new clothes )) === prove to your parents that you are worthy of a car with good grades ..... lots of freshmen go off to college and party .. you should forget the party-jazz and go for the grades and car for your 2nd year at college
Help with starting a savings for some fashion name brand stuff.. ?
Save fifteen dollars of it each week and you can decide what to do with the extra 5. You could just save it or you could buy a little treat like lip gloss or nail polish. Whatever you want to do. And don't go looking around stores too often because you WILL be tempted. LOL good luck!
Why do Libs lie & say the American people will reject the GOP if they refuse to pass obama's budget?
They lie whenever they think it suits their goals. They are amoral.
Should a cheater be forgiven?
I found an email from my boyfriend talking to his ex crush, and in it he said "in the end u avoided me" and it probably doesnt matter, but i still care about u alot, well i emailed this person and she told me she was not interested in him and had no intention of getting with him because she was in a relationship. Also before this instance my boyfriend emailed someone else and let that person borrow 150 dollars and said he only let her borrow it because he said she told him that someone had snatched her purse or watever do u guys think it was more money that he probably let her have than what he really told me. Also i am really finding it hard to move past this even though he helps me financially, i know that some guys will do this in the attempt to keep a girl so i need to know how to dump this person, ive already told this person that i want to break up but he insists that he will make it up, and claims that he loves me tenfold, and that he is no longer doing that behind my back. I asked him why he lied to me and his response was because i didnt want to hurt you. So how do u unmask this persons true intentions? He says he isnt cheating because hes always home with me. But how do i know if hes not talking to anyone besides me perhaps even at work? I dont trust this person at all. How do i tell him i cant forgive him?
Do you walk around with this constantly in mind?
U rock,bro.Seriously,you are an expert.
What can u do with condoms beside anything sexually? I get condoms and alot them but I use them for experiments not for sex or masturbation and today I got a bag of them! So, I dont know really what to do them? What eles can u do with them?
Corbin borrowed $850 at 15% interest for 18 months under an add-on plan. How much does he have to repay?
I took notes and am following them but i am still getting an incorrect answer. Can you please help me out??
How can i convince my parents to let me see Lil Wayne?
Why don't you just tell them you're going to a movie and just sneak to the concert. If they feel this way about him, I dont think there's anything you can do to change their mind on how they feel about him. If you need money for the ticket that's another issue. I'm going to see him too...soooo excited!
My friend lost my $600 earrings and ipod?
I dont know if she stole or lost them, but shes my best friend and a few months ago she begged for me to let me let her borrow my $600 dollar earrings. I told her she can, but has to give them back to me. So after a few weeks later, my mom was asking for me to wear them but I had to give her an excuse because my friend had them. Now, a few months later (I know, I forgot about them) she told me that they where in one of her purses, and we both searched every purse she had and they werent in any of them. My mom has been freaking out over them because Ive had them since I was a baby. So today I brought them up again and she said "My mom even remembers me giving back to you," and i know for a fact she never did because I would of found it by now. And also, we started bringing ipods to school and she always kept them in her bag and brung them home with her. She lost both of them, I ended up finding hers in the "bag search" but now mine is missing. She says shes 100% sure she doesnt have either and now im really f**cked. what do I do? How do I find them at her house? Shes also my best friend and I cant start any problems with her. I know she wouldnt steal them but she always wants to borrow my brand name clothes and I never want to give them to her because im scared she loses or damages them. I cant let her repay for my earrings and ipod so.......
What is your favorite TV show ever?
Mine is Smallville...I love the storyline... I am addicted to that show... I actually didnt start watching till about 3 years ago...A friend of mine had season 1 on dvd...I was complaining to him that there weren't any good shows on tv anymore...He said that I needed to check out smallville...I was like nahhhhhh...I dont think so...He said that I reeeeeeeeally needed to check it out...So he informs me of his season 1 dvd set and I borrowed it...OMG from then on I was hooked...I had to actually go out and buy the next 4 seasons on dvd because they were currently airing season 6 LOL...Anyway...What is YOUR favorite TV show ever!?!?!?!?
Ttp:// good/ bad?
is this a good site or is it just scamming and the bags dont look anything like the pictures?
When will the WWE ever be worth watching again?
The fact is that the WWE hasn't done anything worth watching in a few years now. Every week fans have to put up with having the same worthless, untalented, unathletic morons shoved down their throats. A constant stream of John Cena, CM Punk, Randy Orton, Edge, The Miz and Alberto Del Rio always having the top spots and being in the main events at Pay Per Views. What a big suprise, Cena's going to be in the main event at Wrestlemania again! How many years in a row is that now? The mid card is just as bad and unwatchable. The WWE have systematically destroyed the credibility of the United States, Intercontinental, Tag Team and Women's championships. And, then, whether you watch RAW or Smackdown you have to put up with and tolerate Michael Cole doing everything he can to steal the spotlight and be pro-heel, constantly. Will the idiots at the WWE ever decide to put any effort into making a product that is worth watching ever again?
Big dilemma. Help appreciated?
I totally agree that you should not let him use your ID, if found out you will be in serious trouble. Maybe you could tell him you do not want to take your passport out with you because it is a VERY important document and can cost �80 - �100 to replace if you lose it. It's also not wallet size! So if it's in your back pocket could so easily fall out when you take your wallet out! I can't think of anything else sorry! Good luck!
Don't you hate it when you buy a bag of packaged air, and there's chips inside it?
ugh! i hate when its only half full of chips
What feels worst ur shot swatted? dunked on? ball stolen? getting crossovered?
I hate getting the ball stolen.
Is there any way i can get my daughters teacher to postpone her test please help?
I would certainly try writing a note to the teacher explaining this.
I'm in negative equity, should I just walk away from my house?
A few years ago I tried going self employed but ended up borroewing 35k on top of my mortgage when I was re-mortgaging. So I borrowed 125k when all that was owed was 90k. At the time my house was worth around 200k but it's now worth around 110k max. Therefore I guess I'm now in negative equity. I'm really tempted to just walk away from this and declare myself bankrupt, meaning I'll be able to save the money I pay on my mortgage, insurance and all the other costs of living on your own. I really want to emmigrate but this house just feels like a burden I could do without. I can afford the re-payments ok but would like to be able to emmigrate next year and if I keep the house I don't think I'll be able to. Should I walk away or sit tight and see hoew the property market goes? I've also asked my bank if I could go interest only for a while but they declined, anyway I could maybe force their hand so I could rent my house out and when the market recovers I could sell then?
Looking for a Great pyrenees sheep dog for sale?
Iam in the FFA at my school and this lady wants to borrow our sheep and put them in her yard to eat her grass, but my advisor looked at the place and said that wild dogs could come in and attack the sheep, so he wants to get a dog to protect them if we let her borrow our sheep. So he asked my sister that if she found a great pyrenees, because there supposed to protect sheep, that he would help pay for it and that we can keep it at our house and we can bring it to protect the sheep at our farm. So anyway I was looking online but all they have are puppies, and we want one thats already trained to protect the sheep, so if you know anyone or a website that has trained pyrenees please let me know oh and i live in california.............Thank You!!!!
Do you have a poser that steals your pictures?
umm, its the internet. what else do you expect.
What kind of boots would you recommend?
I don't think that boots are going to help with him being lame. It is probably his feet that hurt not his legs. If he does not have shoes on I would suggest some easy boots or something. As for the jumping if you are just doing it for fun I think you can jump as high as he will jump. If you are wanting to jump in shows I think you will probably have to go english. Hope this helps.
Friday, March 11, 2011
How long does normal insured post take?
I got a game ( a game DVD so it could fit in our mailbox ) ordered to my house, but our neighbours are very sneaky and steal from the shop all the time I wanted to know if they got my game this morning, because I know it usually only takes 1-3 days.
Should I ask her out today?
Yeah. Go for it. Sounds like a cute couple regardless.
Have the politicians accidentally admitted that the American economy is a Ponzi scheme?
Many politicians have been warning that if America can not continue to borrow money then the government will shut down. Isn't that how a Ponzi scheme works?
Ever phoned a call girl?
why did you wasted your time on this bullshi*T?
Option on my plan to save America?
not bad a lot of good points
How rare is my 20in. Roadmaster Harley Davidson Sportster bicycle?
We recently purchased one of these on ebay. We have found out that they sold for around $300.00 new, and that the company Roadmaster has gone out of business. How many of these were made? Ours is red and it comes with the original saddle bags, we are also getting a license plate thing that was available for this particular bicycle.
Help me! i need money fast!?
I wanna go to London. But a job is the only way to get money, unless you raked leaves or plowed snow for somebody who needs it
Does my guy friend like me?
kiss on the lips instantly means he is into you and you guys could potentialy date
Fully Toned Body in 6 months?
ok well first of all you cant have soda, if you really want try a diet coke...also candy is not going to help if thats what you eat everyday, once in a while is fine...french fries arent healthy at all so stop eating them, eating more natural foods is better for your body such as fruits and vegetables...yes cardio is the way to lose weight and get toned so i would recommend an hour atleast 3 or 4 times a week maybe more, try running or jogging to start with... and drink lots of water not soda
Securing your basketball system?
I was setting up a basketball system, you know, the one with the pole, backboard and rim? I finished setting it up and I put it on the driveway where I planned to just set it there, but something came through my mind. I'm afraid someone might steal it from me. So, how can I secure it to ensure no one would come and take it away? I was thinking of putting a sign on there saying 'I know where you live.'
Can I file for unemployment if I am an on-call and I havent worked for 3 weeks?
Yes, you should file. It might be considered constructive discharge. You will be able to collect.
What do you think of this teenage girl?
She is heading in a bad direction... living a bad life too. Smokes, drinks, drugs, lies, emo, all of the stuff you listed are things I would personally never want to be.
How much 5% of $5000?
my friend borrow a money amount of $5000 and im going to ask her a charge about 5% of $5000 shes going to borrow
Speak your mind. Tell her u beleive in R
In baseball, if a runner tries to go from second to third base what is that called?
If the pitcher has not thrown the ball, and the runner tries to go from second to third, is that called stealing a base? And if the pitcher sees this and throws the ball to third before the runner gets there, what is that called if he gets him out. And what is it called when the pitcher decides to get one of these runners? What is a forced out?
Help me get out of this situation?
So we have this thing called micro at my school where we create our own businesses and use fake money to buy real food to make our product. So on my day off a friend and I went to the warehouse where we get our supplies and bought icing for the next day. We told them we didn't need it right now but they still gave it to us( half empty not full that we already owned) and refused to take it back. So my buddy puts it in his shirt to take it back when micro ends. Towards the end of micro we find out someone smeared chocolate icing in the elevator, and the manager of the warehouse has the can that was in the elevator with the icing. They pull us up and lecture us for a bit and my friend gives her the can of icing that WE had. So we come to find out that one of us or both im not sure is going to be written up for theft of school property. How can they do that when; a) we bought the product b) they handed it to us willingly c) stealing is without paying, and without consent of the owner. Please help because this could ruin my chances for highschool.
What would make a guy steal money from a girl he 'cared' about?
A guy that i was friends with for awhile and then became my bf stole money from me via credit card...he withdraw cash and tried to hide it from me. I don't understand why he would do that esp when i was so good to him. Were both young (late teens/early 20s) and have known eachother for while. I thought he was a great guy at first and then down the line he started to become very rude and demand to know how much $ i made etc..he was also very need with no job or schooling with little motivation, but i stayed in his corner. I don't understand why he would do such a hurtful thing to me. I really didn't deserve to get played like this and he said he loved me. why??
Wedding jewelry help...?
I am getting married in 20 days or so, and I have a slight dilemma. I have my Old, New, Borrowed and Blue. Old is a gold ring of my moms, she passed away in october. New is my amazing shoes. Borrowed is my tiara and vail. My blue is a Sapphire necklace with a diamond and gold details that is on a gold chain that was my Fiances grandmothers. My dress is ivory and silver stitching, and my jewelry is silver as well. I cannot figure out how to wear my moms ring and the necklace. Both pieces are very important to me so i want them displayed not hidden. I have thought about wearing them on my bouquet, but they won't really be seen at the reception that way. I am just at a loss, any advice to help would be amazing. Thanks.
How can you get rid of a cold sore in less then 3 hours?
i nvr feel my warning tingle so i end up getting cold sores.i tryed ice and now im trying a tea bag. can anyone save me from this ugly bump on my lip?!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Where does it come from and why?
During pregnancy, women often have discharge. Where does it come from? The bag of waters has a mucous plug so it seem that the secretions aren't possible. What causes excess moisture and discharge during pregnancy?
Should I wear pantyhose around the house today?
It's President's Day, so I have the day off school. But both my parents have to work today. I often wear pantyhose under my pants at school anyway (no one can see, no one knows), but I would like to wear a skirt around the house instead of pants. The only person who knows I wear pantyhose is my older sister. She will be home too. She would even let me borrow one of her skirts if I asked. If not, I can always wear my own cheerleading uniform that I bought to wear last Halloween.
Do you think fat people should have to pay more for airline tickets?
thats really sad! ur an *** just btw.
My friend lost my ipod?!?
So I let my friend that lives next door to me borrow my ipod touch and a few days later she said she lost it. She said she took it to school and someone stole it from her backpack. When I went to her house to ask for it she was quiet about it as though she didn't want her parents to know about it. What should I do?
My sister is ruining my birthday?!?
Ok so its my birthday today and i opened my presents this morning like i always do every birthday. once i'd finished opening them my younger sister was playing on the Wii, but my older sister wanted to watch tv, so they had a massive argument and started screaming at each other and hitting each other. Then my older sister said to me that she had lost her bus pass and i needed to help her find it, as me and her are going out with my cousins for my bday. So i started to help her look for it, but then she got annoyed that i was 'rifling through her stuff'. So i just stood there and she got really annoyed with me and started screaming at me. I said to her why don't you just buy a ticket, but then she says no i need to find it. Eventually she said that it was embarrassing, and that she wanted to use mine. I said no, as she has borrowed mine before and she never gives it back. She then went to search the whole house and kept screaming that I wasn't helping her. Now she is refusing to go without her bus pass and told me to text my cousins and cancel it. My mum cant take us/pick us up and i cant go on the bus by myself as i'm not old enough, only with someone else my age or older. I have been planning this for ages and i really want to go, only my sister is ruining it for me because unless she finds it and gets dressed in 10 mins, we can't go. I'm so annoyed and angry but I wanted to know what I should do and who's being unreasonable here.
Where can I get a cute duffel bag?
Maybe you can open an online store. I suggest that you can wholesale from http:// /. they have many brands of product, Including shoes, clothing, belts, bags and so on. but the price all is cheap .and they can directly send the order to your customer .However, data shows shipments are your company's.
Cassette adapter doesn't work at all.?
got it in wrong flip it over
Should I lift the restraining order? Was I wrong for getting one in the 1st place?
I have dealt a lot with addicts. They are manipulative to the maximum degree. However... if it were me, I would try to figure out to the best of my ability whether or not she was actually trying to be clean. If she is just saying she 'would be' clean if you would help, then no. But if she is actually doing it, then to at least let her know you love and support her is appropriate. Rehab is what she needs actually... The problem with the scenario is that if you aren't an experienced addiction counselor, it is very difficult for you to know what is the best next step. At 18, it is very unlikely she has the skills and maturity it takes to kick it on her own. The best possible thing you can do is to let her know you are proud of her for trying, that you love her and support her, and follow that up by trying to find some kind of a program she can be in.
Going on an airplane trip for the first time with toddler?
yes diaper bag counts as carry on so put ur purse in it or vise versa and yes u can bring juice and snack and yes they charger u for stroller and they will take it with bag claims and she will be fine she will love it but when plane moves hold her tight and go weeeee and make sure to give gum cuz going up will pop her ears and they will scare her but the gum helps to not feel it after that she will sleep its like a car ride she will love it i tho the same but my kid liked it except the ear thing
Well she came on Saturday and I had a good time and she spent the night then we were together the whole day on Sunday.Then she spent the night again and today I got sick of her I mean I was she left a hour ago but like she told me push her on my skate-board.I did and,well there was this hill and she dose not know how to ride a skate-board but,I pushed her really hard and she stopped.And she's like god damet what the freak fricken you did not have to push that hard so im like watch your lauguage.And she's like well then im like even (my friend name) is not that ghettho she never cusses she at least has manners (I mean this girl is not smart im sorry but it's true).Then she's like so what your saying im dumber then we started fighting and also she was trying to steal money and she got me in troubel and she was insulting me.
Girls: What do you think of this bag? and is it worth $25?
if there was a $20 in the pocket
Names for a website all about computers?
I'm gonna make a new website that revolves all around computers, not gonna say what it will consist of cause I don't trust people who may steal my ideas lol. But anyway please help me, ITS ALL about computers not just like one specific thing on computers all about computers, please help me, I was looking for a name generator by category but I can't find any, please help me! I just need a domain name, and .com please lol Thanks!
If i have had a personal loan for $21,000 and paid it all back what is the chance that i could borrow 40,000?
That is totally dependent on the rest of your credit. In general if your credit score is 700 or better you won't get declined as long as your debt to income ratio is not high. A bank will look at all of your commitments and see how much disposable income you have. Anything under a 40% Debt to income ratio and a credit score of 700 or better and you should be good to go. Some banks will allow lower credit scores and ratios but will raise the interest rate because you are a higher risk.
Help with the name of this book?
Ok so I read this book about 6 years ago, it was a murder/thriller type genre. What I remember from it is this woman (I think she was a babysitter or nanny) would give babies some kind of sleeping medicine to make it look like they were dead and then steal them or something like that because she wanted her own baby. I know this is super vague but if anyone has any idea what book this might be it would be great, Thanks
Who was raised with real music and old movies?
My daddy!
What should I carry in my bag/purse?
Well, I'm 12 and I recently got my "you know what" (if you know what I mean), so my mom said I'm gonna have to start carrying a bag or a purse. The thing is, what should I put in it (besides pads, obviously)? I don't wanna carry a bag just for THAT reason, what do you girls put in your bags and purses?
Hi, my fellow twilight fanfic members. Can you let me borrow your imagination for a sec?
Get a life. (:
My friend stole my shoes?
Id say, ask to spend the night at her house or go over and hang out over there and when she is in the other room when your about to leave shove them in your bag. My friend does that a lot too. Its not stealing if it is yours.
How much is my 1998 Spiderman Chapter One First edition signed comic by Stan Lee worth? (MINT)?
It's an official Wizard product with COA. Consider is signed and bagged and never opened since.
If you remove the sim card from an iPhone does that mean the phone is unlocked?
My iPhone 3G wasn't working well, so I removed the sim card and transferred it into a phone I borrowed. I'm under contract with AT&T. If I were to give my old iPhone away, because it no longer has a sim card does that mean it's unlocked? And if not what does?
How can I stand up to a bunch of black guys?
I was walking to school one day all fly in my dress shirt and bow tie, Nike kicks and my new Star Wars Limited Edition Republic Commando Delta Squad Action Figures. When these group of black guys came after me and blocked my path. One of them named OJ saw my action figures and ask where I got it. I proudly told him I got it at the Comicon International. The group of black guys snickered and ask if they can borrow it for a minute. I reluctantly gave it to them. Then they threw it down the street and I ran after it, my belt went loose and my tucked in shorts slid down to reveal my Spiderman boxers. The group of black guys were laughing because I made their day. How can I stand up to my bullies?
What should I do with the guitar now?
if you really wanna practice you know what you gotta do
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
From a survivalist perspective, what is the best way to carry ammo?
Backpack for survivalist and at home locked gun case
Once you accept an attorney you're stripped of your rights so you can't be heard.?
Case C R -27896 Riverside, Cal. Takes the blindfold off our Lady Justice ...998 days ten + attorneys conspired with the government to steal our money , properties and put me in prison to cover-up there crimes....I was put in jail for putting subpenas out on the Feds and attorneys that were hiding from me ....The Rico Act. is well in order here.....
Can I still ripen my avocado?
I kept it in the fridge overnight and cut it, then realized it wasn't ripe. I put lemon juice on the exposed part but now I want to know if I can still ripen it. Can I? And how? I have it in a plastic bag on the counter right now but I'm afraid it'll go bad that way. Or should I just refrigerate it and call it a lost cause?
High-Quality Boxing Equipment?
I'm trying to make a boxing gym because it runs in my family and i'm trying to find out the most popular boxing equipment that customers like? Boxing Gloves,Punching Bags,Hand Wraps,Rings Etc?
I think it looks really cute, but it shouldn't matter what others think. if you like it, then you should be happy. :)
Question regarding equilibrium?
after a lot of research i`ve found a source :)) hope this helps
Has anyone tried stoozing?
Yes! it was good until they brought in balance transfer fees, then the profit got tight, add in low rates for savings and there isn't much profit left. A few years ago I easily paid for the family annual holiday just from the profits. The best resource for info is the stoozing [dot] com website. The help forum is good and the comparison tables include a built in calc to tell you about the profit.
What do I do about this friend?
Don't hang out with her anymore. Trust me, she's going to end up in jail and you don't want to be dragged into her mess.
How Do I Get Rid of Lice in my Hair?
I got lice in my hair. I tried some treatment, followed the directions, and they came back. The next time, I was more careful. I took off my clothes and put them in a plastic bag. I had my Dad apply the lice treatment and comb out my hair. (Mom was afraid she would get lice if she did it). Is there anything else I should do?
My Parents Refuse to Speak to me, Why?
well your parents did not want you to even drive and i dont see why you have to guilt your grandma into letting you drive. so the answer is simple, u pretty much should not have even taken the car against your fathers wishes. i dont blame him for not speaking to u. how would u feel if u had a kid that killed your mom? would u wanna go up to him and hug him and take him to dinner? no? then this is your own problem. go talk to your father and see how much of your relationship u cant put back together with him before its too late.
Is Paul Pierce the black Larry Bird?
Paul is a good player and a great celtic but hes no larry bird. He does all the things you listed but larry does them better
I need help finding a suede bag with fringes?
Next time I suggest that you can go shopping at http:// . I usually buy from it I feel the quality is compellent and the price is favourable, The most important thing is that it is safe.I usually can receive my order about 5-7 days.
Mona is A . Allison has a phsyco twin who escaped out of a mental hospital and pretended to be allison . When they came looking for the phsyco twin , they accidentaly took allison . The night " allison " gets killed , allison kills her twin sister and buries her . Then mona steals allisons diary with all the girls secrets in it and becomes A . Later , spencer finds out ( which i think is in the next episode today , mona tries to push her off a cliff , but she falls instead , then allison becomes A . Your just gonna have to watch to hear the rest (;
Car Accident PLease help?
My friend just borrowed my car and he crashed and it was his fault, so tomorrow I have to call my agent and i dont know what to do next? and should i have called to report a accident right away but how can i? i just found out now. The car is on my name and i have full insurance. But could there be a problem because i was not Driving?
Should I consider her of less of a friend?
Ok so this semester she is barely talking to me, we do not have a class together. She has invited to clubs to hang out, but friday she went with a good friend of mine to a school event without inviting me. She hasn't answered my text but she did fb my friend several hours after I sent her the text. We were supposed to hang out over the semester but she hasn't made any effort to hang out. She going to let me borrow a textbook, but it took so long that I bought the book on my own. What is up with this? Last semester we were so close (may have been because I was clicking her into class). Should I see her as less of a friend? This bugs the crap out of me all the time. (Btw we are not fighting).
Will Centrelink help me leave this loser?
I've had enough and want to get as far away from my lying cheating SOB of a husband as possible, and do it yesterday! But i have no money of my own. All accounts are in his name and i don't have access to them. How can i find enough to pay bond, put the power on and get a frig, a bed etc etc when I don't have any cash? Let alone food for me and the kids. Its not like i can ask my husband! Will Centrelink help? Or am I going to have to beg borrow and steal money from friends and family to finally get me and the kids away from this loser? how quick can I get a divorce?
Intro Chemistry Explanation?
ok, you need to take your 1g divided by the molar mass of water then times two because of the 2 in font of it in the reaction. then take that number times the molar mass of O2. that is the answer. best answer or what? oh and molar mass of O2 is 32 and water is 18
My Friend broke my game what should I do?
This is a sign that it's time to stop playing video games.
If you came over to borrow a cup of sugar what would you wear?
my birthday suit (:
Where can I dump a bag full of garbage in beaverton, oregon?
I just need to dump a bag of garbage! Dumps? Landfills? Anything beside normal garbage service curbside pick up in beaverton!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Initial formation of clumps in nebulae?
okay, so i was watching the science channel and they were showing how an astronaut playing with salt and sugar in bags in outer space discovered that they will clump together without any help at all, and thus nebulae form stars and, in turn solar systems, with no help from any other events. my question is this. what causes the initial clumping. in the presence of absolutely nothing else, i suppose the tiny amount of gravity that a particle of dust would have would in tern, eventually pull it towards another particle, causing a cascading snowball effect where clumps of particles "consume" other ones to become larger clumps. but I keep thinking that gravity wouldn't be that powerful at that small a scale. is it possible that there's some electrical charge at play here? when they showed the video of the clumping salt and sugar it looked very much like static electricity was the main factor there. possibly the plastic bag was giving off an electrical charge via friction? any explanation would be appreciated.
How do you turn on a Alienware laptop?
I am borrowing a alienware laptop but I don't know how to turn it on. I turned it on before but I didn't see what I press. My friend said to hold down the alien head but it still didn't work.
Where can I get free coffee bean bags?
we still use those at school so i don't think your going to get them free anywhere i'm afraid.
Read the start of my story and tell me what you think? About a girl that whos best friend is run over....?
I think it is a very good story! I always learned that using detail about where you are makes you imagine the story a lot better. Maybe describe what is around you. But don't make it the main focus but just give like one or two sentences describing outside or in the school. But still a very AMAZING story!
Which poll results do Libs refute as being wrong: the Investors Daily poll, The Hill poll or the Reuters poll?
The refute any poll that doesnt fit their view even if its a liberal poll
How can I play basketball overseas?
First off, congrats on playing college ball. Honestly, if your not in the NBA d-league or already overseas, it's really hard to get overseas. Send tapes to coaches of teams overseas. Put videos of you playing basketball on youtube. In a last resort play adult aau basketball, and just dominate the league and gget highlight tapes for coaches overseas. I dont have a lot of knowledge in this, but i hope this helps.
What vacuum is right for me?
there are usally revies on amazon for the products. spend withtin that price and see which one got better reviews
What do you think of my body (I'm a guy)?
you have a really nice body, you're not too big and not to small. kinda lean you look good! :)
How To Get Over A Crush With A Girlfriend?
I have a crush on this guy that has a girlfriend. They have been going put for like a year or something. He is my friend but we don't talk all the time. He used to flirt with me alot (while he still had a gf) but then not as much and now he is again (they are still dating) he even stares at me and will just look me in the eyes before he looks away. I've tried to get over him and move on to other guys but I just keep on coming back to him. Right when I think I'm over him he does something so I'm liking him again. I don't know what to do, I don't want to be that girl that steals your boyfriend or anything. What should i do?
Worried about my sister going to school?
My half sister came here two weeks or so ago from the Philippines. I haven't met her for a while. I just turned 13 but in 7th grade and my half sister is starting school tomorrow in 8th grade and is turning 14 in a week or so. I know I can't stop her from going to school but I need advice. Okay well she's always want more attention than me so she's like competitive kind of even though I don't get much and not trying. Anyway when people are like who's she or new girl or looks at her cause she's new shell think she's getting more attention and think people think shes 'hot' (no offense she's not that pretty but it's annoying when she tries to hard it won't make her be pretty) and shell brag to me. The other thing I'm worried about is that she might want to steal my friends not because she think she cant make any she just want to make everybody like her better than me. Advice? I dint want really want to know why she wants to to this ( you can say that still ) but how to stop her and payback and show how I feel other than steal her friends or tell her. I will tell her when time is right but what can I do without telling. Pls don't be offending or unhelpful. Thanks
Will Centrelink help me leave this loser?
I've had enough and want to get as far away from my lying cheating SOB of a husband as possible, and do it yesterday! But i have no money of my own. All accounts are in his name and i don't have access to them. How can i find enough to pay bond, put the power on and get a frig, a bed etc etc when I don't have any cash? Let alone food for me and the kids. Its not like i can ask my husband! Will Centrelink help? Or am I going to have to beg borrow and steal money from friends and family to finally get me and the kids away from this loser? how quick can I get a divorce?
Please help i need sensible advice..?
As an outsider in this situation, I think their relationship sounds like a reasonable one between siblings. The pictures are probably hers, and she probably made a mistake saving them on her brother's computer. If you're still feeling weird, I would confront her about it.
Will I have to get another policy?
I borrow my aunts car she added me as a driver on her auto insurance(I dont live with her) Now here I am ready to get a car in a few weeks,Do I have to get a whole new policy,or can i put a down payment down and upgrade the current insurance?
Can you alternate between 2 phones on Verizon?
Yeah, you can just call Verizon's customer support and tell them that you want to switch phones and keep the same number. It's easy, they walk you through it.
PCSing to Fort Lee, VA?
This question is for all those that have lived or currently live in the Fort Lee, VA area. My husband and I will be PCSing there here in the next few months. After the birth of my daughter I started getting several dental issues and it seems like they continue to come. I am asking for recommendations for Dentist in the area. And if possible your experience with them as well. I am looking for someone whom is willing to listen to me and understand the issues that I am having. I DON"T want someone is just going to treat me like I am just another bag of money. And tell me to just deal with it, like I have heard so many times. Due to I am not sure of the guidelines to posting recommendations. Please feel free to email me with your answer. I am so appreciative of your help.
Why were the Founders so specific about which powers Congress would and would not have?
Because the Founders placed a great value on federalism and reserving the majority of powers to the states.
Korg Keyboards problem?
Not sure if this is correct but I think it's the arpeggio. If it has one set it to off. Some Korg instruments use that to generate motion sounds with some patches.
This is my college application essay, what are my chances of getting into colleges?
You write well and it's an interesting essay. But I have reservations about the "fun" you have with serious topics like tardiness, mental illness, and, whether or not it is affectionate, calling the secretary an unflattering name. Also, this essay doesn't really convey much about you, except for your tendency to joke about your life.
How do I check that my ex-wife is not borrowing money against the house, which I pay the mortgage for?
I pay the mortgage on a joint named property until my youngest leaves full time education. My ex 'appears' to be spending money like water and I am worried that she is borrowing, using the house as collateral. How can I check that she is/isn't doing this?
Would you say I need to see a therapist?
Let me establish some premises. I'm extremely attractive, a model in fact and 18 years old. I have no problem getting attractive girls in school, or anywhere else. I have had a completely standard upbringing; two caring parents and no history of abuse. I mess around with girls from school, and my large sexual appetite doesn't impede my education or hobbies. The problem is, I'm extremely horny all the time which should be normal for my age, but it's getting to a point where I think something may be wrong. For example, for my 17th birthday party I mixed about a quarter cup of sem en into mashed potatoes and served it to the girls who I invited. Even when going to the movie theaters with girls, I do things like cu m in their soda after offering to get the food. I even did this once to my distant, extremely attractive cousin. I've been doing this for a while. Even in grade 9, I would steal mouthpieces from the attractive girls from music class, and c um in them before putting it back. It just gives me satisfaction knowing many, many unsuspecting girls have guzzled it down and have no idea they swallowed my spe rm. Many people see me as classy, attractive and intelligent, but have no idea what I do behind closed doors. Is this an issue worth seeing a therapist for? And please, if you're a prepubescent teen who has nothing better to do than spew judgmental hoopla at me, don't bother answering.
Should I lift the restraining order?
Your sister is not yet ready for a second chance. Until she has a long period of sobriety behind her, she needs to be handled by professionals who have both the tools and the professional distance to do so effectively. Trust me, it is in her best interest to release her for now. Do both of you a favor and say no. After she has been straightened up for a period of time, ask her to give her counselor permission to speak with you (if she doesn't have one, that's a definite no). Let the counselor make the call as to whether or not she's ready. For now, back off.
Poll: Would a trash bag full of puppies float in water?
why does this matter? are you planning on killing puppies? YOU BASTARD lol
Has anyone had a dress custom made?
If You used PAYPAL for payment,you can refuse to Pay. shopping at online must select honest and trustworthy company. Next time I suggest that you can go shopping at http:// . I usually buy from it I feel the quality is compellent and the price is favourable,The most important thing is that it is safe.after I place the order, they will give me the Tracking No. which can be checked on line, after they send the package.As soon as Ireceivethepackage,They will uestion,I can contact them by Email,MSN and On-Line Service all the time.
Question about car insurance & being in a accident?
The law says that you have to report any accident that involves property damage or personal injury. Without a police report you don't have a leg to stand on if she refuses to pay.
Monday, March 7, 2011
How to convince my parents to give my cell phone back?
my mom took my phone away for a reason which im not going into but now its all forgotten but she wont give it back until i get good grades and my french teacher is impossible, theres no way i can get a B in that class. i cant jack it back because she left it at her work, its a bank so i cant go and steal it. plz help i need my phone back
I'm raging war against...?
Set up a battle plane and prepare the troops for an amphibious assault. Fight your way through and destroy the enemy.
Canon xsi, is this a good buy?
It is a great camera and comes with two great EF - S lenses. I fully reccomend it, go to a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a for more info.
Which guitar is good?
If you are talking about electric guitar Gibsons is the best but its expensive, so if you want affordable and good sound electric guitar so i think that squier is the best.
How do I not get caught car hopping?
haha fag get a job and pay for your own car u piece of ****
Need help with issue with my father. Last month, it came out that my dad may possibly have another child.?
This would not be surprising. He already has three illegitimate children that we know about. I did not want to be involved in another family drama. So, I let it be known to him via email that I did not want to discuss the topic. My stepmom blasted me calling me selfish and disloyal. My dad said he agreed with her and could not understand why I would believe the story. After they went around trying to enlist other family members against me, I sent them another email stating that I demanded an apology for their behavior. I feel I did nothing wrong. Meanwhile, my dad has decided to use another tactic to illicit a response out of me. A couple of months ago when I was short on rent, I borrowed money from him to cover it. We set up an arrangement for me to pay him back and it was all simple. Well, now he is calling my mother (his ex-wife), my stepdad, my little brother, and my sister telling them that I am in the this huge financial mess and that he is wanting them to tell him
If you are young christian, please give me advice?
Ouch. #1 Step away from the relationship. GOD wants a person that will treat you so much better. #2 Ask GOD for guidance. Tell him you forgive him, and you move on
I need to know more about child abuse?
the father could say, ur so bad in skoool or sumitn like dat i meen it cant be dat bad 10 i luvit
Can someone explain this to me?
first of all these stats are kinda unrealistic, but if this is true i agree WTF
Do you like this bag?
Yes,I love this bag its very cute :)
How can I make detachable vocaloid wings for my headphones?
I've made vocaloid wings for headphones a couple times before, but I'd like to make them so I can attach and remove them when I want, mostly so my boyfriend can borrow my headphones without the wings. Does anybody have any suggestions? I'd like to keep it as simple as possible.
My valentines doesn't talk to me anymore?
so sorry hun - she is NOT interested in you. why, doesn't matter, as it won't change anything. find yourself a girl who likes to be spoilt by you, because you sound like a sweetheart.
How are libraries legal?
I was just wondering how libraries are considered legal. I borrow audio CDs all the time, and I've ripped above 60. How is this legal? This takes money from the artists just as much as piracy does, but somehow it's perfectly fine. I mean, even with books, authors would make so much more profit from what they do. Even if it is legal, how is this even slightly ethical?
You really need to get over yourself?
You're not all that and a bag of chips.
Anyone remember a PC game from the 90s?
This game seems like it was before it's time....We had a compaq presario around the 90s my dad borrow a game from one of his co workers and it was like a mystery solve game but the chracter went into like this world were he was a hero or something. It had like a comic book arc twist kind of like unbreakable on PC...I think it even had actor video flashbacks and you had to choose certain paths to end the game.....This is about all I can remeber over the years but I'd know it if I seen it...Had graphics similar to myst...
ARGH! How do I use my fee-fee (fake vagina)? (Men's Health)?
Forever alone
Renting my Van to people, huge problem.?
call the cops, have you seen the movies, you mess with gangs and shet and they bust your brain. Btw, you might be looking at some evidence so if you touched it then your slightly fuked
Confused with their Crazy Party Life-Style?
Ignore the lifestyle & just go after the guy you like.
Stolen Ipod Touch. What to do?
Okay, I was out with friends last night and asked my friend to keep my ipod touch... Next thing I know she's telling me she gave me my ipod back. But, I reassured her that she didn't. So, now we're assuming someone stole it while she turned her back... I'm not gonna start accusing her. She's trustworthy and I'll give her the benefit of the doubt=/. My question is, is there anything I can do? I feel like my privacy is being invaded! That hurts more than the stolen ipod. Can apple do anything about it? Long shot, but heyyy... I wanna call the cops! People are such thieves! F**k!
GIRLS: would you be annoyed also?!?! She makes me want to scream & idk what to do.?
waaay too much drama, and waay too long....if you want a genuine answer, the genuine people generally don't have the time to read it all.
Why do so many chicks think men are self-absorbed and demeaning to women?
Because you guys never make US sandwiches.
I have a sprint hero phone that somehow has been water damaged. It still works now but probally not for long?
I have had it for seven months with no insurance. My manufactors warranty does not cover water damage. My battery was water damaged also,and was leaking inside my phone whenever it was charging. I have tried putting it in a bag of rice in a plastic bag. I want to know what are all of my options. I know a place that sells used hero phones for 150.00 dollars used. Is that worth it,or should I save up to buy the evo. What are some places that I can get it at the cheapest prices since I wont need a new contract. What are the differences between the evo.and now evo shift. I appreciate whatever answers you can supply.
Random: How would your mom react if you got suspended?
she would be like oh well it's you're problem.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Car accident driven by friend?
My friend just borrowed my car and he crashed and it was his fault, so tomorrow I have to call my agent and i dont know what to do next? and should i have called to report a accident right away but how can i? i just found out now. The car is on my name and i have full insurance. But could there be?a problem because i was not Driving? will my insurance cover my car and the other car
Will it harm me to eat this?
I was in my moms room and there was white goo in a bag :s and my friend told me to eat it.. what do I do?? she really wants me to eat it... but it looks like it might be gross.. it looks kind of like mayonnaise.
Advice on the preface of my story? (i asked it before but it got deleted for some reason?)?
ITS AMAZING Is that what you are looking for?
Joke I got off of a popsicle stick: Why did the policeman arrest the baseball player?
He stole second base.
True or False: Bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people?
Is seems like good people always get the worst end of the deal. People that lie, cheat, and steal seem to get everything they want. I always see, hear, or involved in situation like this and it really upsets me. What is your opinion?
Dentists in Fort Lee, Virgina?
This question is for all those that have lived or currently live in the Fort Lee, VA area. My husband and I will be PCSing there here in the next few months. After the birth of my daughter I started getting several dental issues and it seems like they continue to come. I am asking for recommendations for Dentist in the area. And if possible your experience with them as well. I am looking for someone whom is willing to listen to me and understand the issues that I am having. I DON"T want someone is just going to treat me like I am just another bag of money. And tell me to just deal with it, like I have heard so many times. Due to I am not sure of the guidelines to posting recommendations. Please feel free to email me with your answer. I am so appreciative of your help.
How can I get my mom to pay me back?
My mom owes me 90 dollars that I let her borrow last month. I asked her about it today and she said she wasn't going to pay me back.
Girls: True or false questions?
1. False, 2. False, 3. False, 4. What do you mean like really feminine, or intellectual, or metro? I like lots of type of guys but as long as they're not too feminine. They certainly don't have to be a brute, 5. Sure, athletic guys are pretty hot, 6. False, 7. Depends, 8. If I'm dating other guys I wouldn't obviously be that interested in this particular guy...?, 9. True, 10. False, I'm old fashioned, but I might tell him first if I really felt it might be mutual.
Start online store with chinese wholesale?
Its a good idea.. The key is figuring out how to drive traffic to your website to get sales executed. And if you could setup a "drop shipping" system, you'd be in the money. Cause then you wouldn't need to carry any inventory.
Family and Borrowed Money?
With my sister and mother, if they need it, they have it because they are the same with me. My brother had been out of work for a few weeks and asked to borrow $100. My brother has never been there when I needed him but I felt bad for him so I loaned him the money. He now has a good job (got his first check this week) and just got his tax return. Should I ask him for the money back? I just think if I do not ask now, I will never get it back.
Where can I buy Nanocleanse?
Besides buying it online? Has anyone tried it? Is it good? I've tried everything out there and nothing works. I'm ready to just wear a paper bag over my head.
Why won't she give me my stuff back?
I had a friend living with me for a long time, things got bad and she moved out. I had some of her stuff that I returned to her nice and washed and not ruined at all. When she came to get the rest of her stuff (dresser, bed frame and such) I asked her to bring the stuff of mine that she took back to me. She stole clothing items out of my room when I was gone and I specifically asked her not to go in my room. I have asked her a lot of times civilly to bring back my stuff and she just ignores my texts and calls, claiming that she is being mature about the situation. She also put a bloody pair of underwear (still wet) in with a drawer of my stuff (spare cell phones and some other electronics) getting her blood all over them. What can I do to get my stuff back since she's not responding? She brought back one pair of my white pants that she ruined and got black all over them. Everyone keeps telling me to let it go but I can't. She has always stole stuff from people and I'm tired of it. She has a very expensive pair of pants of mine, three shirts that were about $40 each and some other little things that start to add up. What's your advice?
Why can't I get over someone that hurt me so badly?
You should get to know Bruno Mars.
My MIL is interfering with my family.?
Hi. I used to get along fine with my mil. But ever since I had a baby she keeps on interfering with how I raise my child. I am planning to quit my job to be with my son. My own folks are quite wealthy and my husband has a good job so there's really no worry. Yet still, mil says that I should not stop working. I just think she's afraid that if I'll be a full time mom, she won't be seeing less of my baby. Also, my mil is always telling me that I should let her niece borrow my baby. My mil's niece is a rich woman and has a big house. I think it's improper to ask a mother to let go of her own infant, let alone to separate mom and baby just because mil's wealthy niece thinks my baby is cute. Do I have the right to be mad?
Why is my male molley fish so sexual?
i got two more molly for my tank. i put them in the water ( with them still in the bag) for tempeture feelings) it tried to mate through the bag? ._. it already mated with a female and now hes doing it to another? is this bad? is it going to effect the eggs? ( amount) is this usael for a molly to act like this? ( plus he tried to mate with a male molly? ...
Xbox 360 controller on PC help?
I have borrowed a friends xbox 360 controller, its wireless but has the usb charger cord that plugs in. Will this still work? I've downloaded software from microsoft's website etc, it recognises that its plugged in but yeah won't work.
What's a great place to get bedroom things?
Try Target.Target has a lot of cool things for bedroms. For bean bags, I've found bean bags at Big Lots but there you'll have to keep checking as there selections change from week to week. Check out flea markets or yard sales.
What are the small plastic bags which contain headphones etc made of?
Analysing phone packaging for graphic products and inside my phone pacaging all the leaflets and headphones were sealed in this single-use see through material. I am not sure what this is called.... any help?
Which guy should I ask to the dance?
The first one if u like it a Sadie hawking dance? Girls don't usually ask out guys...I mean they obv. Like u so just go 4 it
This girl stole from me and I want to get what she stole back but she won't hang out anymore. should i just..?
forget about it? She's not a good person to hang out with because she just smokes all the time and is just messed up. She hangs out with random guys and got raped. But i just want to get my stolen thing back. Maybe i'm just ocd..ahh what should i do? i tried to get her to buy me somethin and said i would pay her back (for the same price of what she stole) but she always says she's busy. i should probably forget about it i guess but it just bothers me to let people get away with stuff like that. it's annoying when someone takes something from u and u worked hard to pay for it in the first place.
I've been dreaming about food lately, why?
You're just hungary at night!
Engineering question for asphalt roads?
the installation proses change to reduce pot hols cracking etc,in my thinking the asphalt product is ? well ok but if it were laminated wit nylon ply or steal ply stainless perhaps an 2 inch or 3 inch matt would have the strength of 4 inch or 5 inch matt ,it built up like a steal on nylon ply tire,so behind the spreader it large rolls of webbed or woven nylon or steal ply fabric sort of with is rolled in increments of 1 inch Matt's until a 4 inch matt is reached,so the roller to roll on the 1 inch matt are lighter than on a 2 inch matt and every 1 inch increment after the 2 inch matt the Standard rollers are used,this laminating of the asphalt matt should strengthen the asphalt and help with the common pot hole cracking yet allow For the expanding and free movement needed with at a laminated wood beam,etc engineers what do you thing yes it would or no it would not.and if a 2 inch matt was no more costly than a 4 inch matt used in home ot residence applications ,would you buy a re enforced laminated type of asphalt drive way for your home over the Standard asphalt Drive way with the Standard installation,being done today.
Where can I buy Nanocleanse?
Besides buying it online? Has anyone tried it? Is it good? I've tried everything out there and nothing works. I'm ready to just wear a paper bag over my head.
Giant Ship Engine that Failed?
i just read your little story. However there is no question to answer
I see small Russet potatoes at the supermarket for only $1.49 per five-pound bag. Why is this?
Why are Russet potatoes only $1.49 for the five-pound bag, while white potatoes are $1.99 for the five-pound bag and fancy red potatoes run a mind-boggling $2.89 for the five-pound bag? Are Russet potatoes for peons and dirty people with no shoes, and red potatoes for snooty French restaurants? Is there really such a difference between them? Are white potatoes then for regular Joes who love their beef and taters?
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Why don`t we use Republican star wars project or money they borrowed from social security for Wis workers?
In 2009 Republicans wanted to put missiles in Poland, but why when they have their star wars project from the 80s that they still did not pay tax payers back for. Or how about the money they borrowed from SS for two wars?
I don't understand anything involved with economics in my AP Us History class?
In a nutshell, the author seeks to persuade you that the depression starting in 1929 was caused by poor government mismanagement rather than by irresponsible greedy investors. In the first paragraph, the author mentions buying on margin and how it was not done more at the time we started the depression, as compared to some years beforehand. The author suggests the opposite that there was less buying on margin. The point the author wants to make is that we did not see margin buying skyrocket and result in an economic collapse, as he suggests others would want you to believe. What is margin buying? Basically like buying stocks on your credit card. When the price of stocks comes down, you still have to pay. That is not an accurate definition, but serves to make the point that there is risk and uncertainty in buying on margin. The actual process is giving cash to a broker to buy stocks, and then using the value of your stocks to borrow the money to buy more stocks. The broker will only lend you, say, 50% of the value of your original stock to fund your margin account. If the value of that stock goes down, the 50% you can borrow is a smaller number. If the smaller number is less than you actually borrowed, the broker wants you to put in more cash to make it up. This is a "margin call." When people cannot cover their margin calls, on a wide spread basis due to significant other economic problems, the result in an affect on other factors of the economy. Hence, margin purchases are seen by some as risky and irresponsible. However, it is the point of the author that others have blamed margin purchasing for the great depression, that it is not true, that certain government actions caused the great depression.
What Sims GBA game is it like a TV show?
Several years ago, I borrowed a Sims game from a friend. I played it, and I really liked it. Fast forward to now, I want to play it again, but my friend lost hers. I can't remember what the game was called, so it's gonna be tough. I do remember, however, that the game play is like a TV show, with a family watching it, and what they think of the episode, depends on how many points you get. Also, I remember that the points can be traded in for stuff, like a scooter, and gestures for interacting with other Sims, and if you die, some executive gets pissed at you. Also, it was the Game boy Advance version, and I loved it. If any one can tell me what the game's name is, I'd gladly appreciate it. I'm sorry I can't give anymore information.
Great Designer Bag For a 17 yr old?
Hey I'm turning 17 and I was wondering what my first designer bag should be?? Any suggestions??
Does anybody know if you can borrow library books on a kindle?
I know you can use the midyork system to borrow ebooks on the Nook, but does anyone know if it's the same with the Kindle?
Sims 2 isn't work? I wanna know why?
All your sims things still have items from the deleted game. You must reinstall all ur games :( it sort of sucks! Same thing happened with me :( Good Luck :D
Adjectives describing a 'homeless person'?
I'm doing a creative writing project and need some help thinking of words to use to describe a homeless person. I've looked at pictures and all sorts but can't quite think of enough stuff in details. . .Anyone got any ideas to how they act, behave ect. Some nice lines I could borrow. . . .
How to convince my boyfriend to give my family a second chance?
My boyfriend and I are14, and I live with only my dad and my 2 older brothers. And they're total jerks to him. They're always making fun of him, and "playfully" punching him, and the most extreme actually sneaking up behind him and shaving off a chunk of hair from the back of his head with a pair of clippers. Because of this, he had to shave off the rest of his beautiful hair into a buzzcut. Before this friendly little joke, they took him on a trip to the island for 1 day and night or like a guys weekend or something, and they stole all his clothes while he was taking a shower so he had to go naked for several hrs until they gave them back. Now they even make fun of him for having a small dick.(it's not even small) so he Told me that not even a girl as perfect as me is worth a family that bad. But I've talked to my family, and they've promised me to change, but my boyfriend still won't take me back. Help????�
I just found a spider in my popcorn...does that happen often?
so while sitting down to a bag of popcorn(which i poured onto a plate) i notice one of the kernels looks a little weird, which turns out thats because its actually a dead spider
Do you like this bag?
Oohhh it's gorgeous! I love the colors
What movie is this? HELP!?
I know this isn't a lot of detail, but there is one scene with kids stealing a video game from a store that is a gruesome fighting game, and there is also one scene where a group of people encounter a ninja in a building, and the ninja throws a ninja star at them, but one of the people kicks their shoe off, which hits the ninja star, that in the end goes into the ninja's head.
I have heard people say they get the best deals from private owners!!?
I am a 35 yr old woman who has worked hard and saved my little bit of pennies I dont want to get taken for a ride!!! I have about 4000 saved I want to buy a car from private owner,but there are no warranties and i dont want a lemon,how can I make sure all paperwork is aunthentic,or that they are trying to sell a stolen car or something,do I bring the mechanic or will the seller let me take the car to a mechanic.I need step by step help!!!!!!
What happened to my tablet's pressure sensibility?
Like, really...My tablet used to have some kind of pressure sensibility thing when I'd use it in GIMP and Photoshop, when I'd use the paintbrush. Now, all of a sudden, the tablet (and even the one from school that I borrowed) make all the lines hard-edged, no matter the pressure, as if I'm using a mouse. What's goin' onnn? It's kind of frustrating. Is there any way I can fix this problem? :(
Why do womanists keep on saying how white women are stealing theys men?
Maybe if they would just learn how to appreciate good black men we brothers wouldn't be chasing after women of Caucasian descendant?
I'm aspiring to be an expert at computers, and I was wondering where i should start?
I'm 16 years old, and I have decided I want to become an expert on computers. I know that in order to do this, I will need to learn how to program, how a computer works, and how to build a computer. Can someone tell me somewhere i can get started on this learning this stuff like a book i can borrow from the library or a website that can guide me in this path. My computer experience is amateur at best. All my friends that know a lot about computers laugh at my tech skills and they won't help me, so can anyone on yahoo answers please help me learn about computers. (Also, can anyone estimate how long it will take to hone these computer skills?)
What would happen to my Anole Lizard if I feed him dusted Crickets everyday?
Because I bought 12 Crickets for a dollar at the Pet Shop and I got home and I opened the bag and accidentally I poured a little of the Calcium Powder on all of the Crickets. Then I remembered that Lizards are only supposed to eat dusted Crickets once or twice a week. So now what do I do can my Anole eat them everyday without getting sick?
Ps3 World at war map packs?
ok so i would like to have the map packs but at the moment i don't have a lot of money so i would like to know if i could borrow someones psn e-mail and password who has already downloaded them so i can get them for free because my mum won't get mine because she dosent like me using her card i wont hack your account or anything and you can change your password right after if you will please add and tell me over ps3 charhinds96
If I,Ivan stole ALL your posessions in your room?
i would punch your face, how did you get in my room? why would you like my stuff? budget lol, and i keep a viper under my bed so ill see you in the hospital, Ivan. mwahaha!
Israel flash mob record of 10,000 women dancing?
A 7 minute video of teenie boppers waving their arms back and forth is entertaining to you?
How can I stand up to my bully?
I was walking to school one day all fly in my dress shirt and bow tie, Nike kicks and my new Star Wars Limited Edition Republic Commando Delta Squad Action Figures. When these group of black guys came after me and blocked my path. One of them named OJ saw my action figures and ask where I got it. I proudly told him I got it at the Comicon International. The group of black guys snickered and ask if they can borrow it for a minute. I reluctantly gave it to them. Then they threw it down the street and I ran after it, my belt went loose and my tucked in shorts slid down to reveal my Spiderman boxers. The group of black guys were laughing because I made their day. How can I stand up to my bullies?
Poll:: you ever sleep outside?
in a tent..sleeping bag..passed out on the beach ..etc
Dealing with insecure girlfriend?
I don't think she is the best person for you, both of you clearly wants different things in a relationship. You just have to be man enough to stand her emotional blackmail, move on and find someone else. I usually cut people off- just block them off my phone, block them on facebook and dont let them into my house. goodluck anyways
What is 50000 - 10902 please explain your anwser?
i am having a lot of problems subtracking four and five digit numbers because i am borrowing incorrectly please help me solve this problem and any advice or tips would be very helpful
The type and the name of Insurance that a person can Purchase and then borrow from for certain good reason's?
Any other info that is needed also to do the above and please be specific no vague.
Why were the Founders so specific about which powers Congress would and would not have?
Because the Founders placed a great value on federalism and reserving the majority of powers to the states.
When the economy comes crashing down on Obama, will blame Bush still work?
Obama came into office in the midst of the biggest recession since the 1929 crash. I don't see how you can be so negative about the guy, he's doing the best he can to get us out of this mess. He's making all his decisions with the best possible advice from pointedly non-partisan economists, and panels of world renowned experts, and you guys just kept yelling your heads off like he's some idiot crackpot liberal stooge.
Philippines, buying a house, will bank loan to a foreigner & Filipino wife?
Is it a requirement to have a business or work to borrow? I received VA Disability and SS. My wife has work but most likely would not qualify for the 1 million pesos we would need to buy the house. We do have monies to make a large down payment.
Brussels airport connection help?
I have a feeling that since its a connection you dont go through all the troubles of customs and its a lot faster so you should be fine aye
I borrowed the sims complete collection from my friend and it wont let me play?
i installed it and everything i have disc 1 in there and i click play and it says that i have the wrong disc and to put the right disc in and then click ok. i dont know what to do or if theres another disc missing ?
I ruined my life because of what i did when i was younger, its so awful ?
I don't see you did anything others haven't done. That's the age almost every normal person experiments. Depends on how fast your body matures. From what you put here, there's nothing to even be upset about let alone feel guilty. Do you expect to know about bodies and sex drives by osmosis? Curiosity is normal. Obsessing about it is not.
My AR was stolen from my car!!?
I know i can report it, what kinds of things do the cops do to try and retrieve it? do they ask people if they saw anything, check for fingerprints, surveilance cameras. i was parked in the back of a parking lot, so its not really gonna be a visible place. (no parking anywhere else) i REALLY want this rifle back, ive spent over $1200 on it so far!!! any information helps. do they just fill a report? or do they actually try and get it back, its fully California legal and registered, all that stuff.....
Do the large bags of rice at asian stores cost less than other stores that sell boxed rice?
I was at Super H mart and saw they had large bags of rice, do these cost less then say going to Kroger and getting the box of uncle bens or minute rice?
Lost combo for safe/ need open?
i have a safe that was left in my basement. it has been there for awhile and do not know what is in it if anything.i do not have the combo. how do i go about getting it open. who would i ask or where do i go to find anything out. i can prove it is mine and not stolen. thank-you
What to pack for spring break?
I'm a 13 year old girl and me and my 14 year old brother are going to Arizona over spring break. We live in Indiana. Me being a teenager, I *always* forget something really important, then when we are on the plane or in the car I'm always like "CRAP!" Haha, so I need a list! I'm going to be there for a week. It'd be amazing if you could give me a list of items I need for the plane ride, clothes, personal items, etc.. Also, the liquid thing confuses me, and what is a carry on bag & what can I put in it? Thank you!
High School Advice PLEASE READ?
Ok, so im a freshmen in high school and let me start by saying im NOT a push over at all when it comes to girls. But it seems like every girl I start to like just screws me over. I mean all the girls keep running to the straight up douche bags. im starting to think that its because High school is one big popularity contest and they just wanna go after the most popular I mean girls have put up with guys cheating on them. I mean there are lots of girls I could get with but the ONES I LIKE just keep screwing me over any advice and wheither it will get better. Please I really need some advice on this since my parents arent the best to talk to about these things THank you
My 13th Birthday Party!! PLEASE HELP!!?
throw a party at your house
The Unions are against the will of WI voters, it's not a democratic uprising, it's that a Communist uprising?
Gov. Walker has it right when he said, "They may have thousands in the streets, but we have millions in the silent majority who put us into office to balance the budget." Very Reaganesque if you as me.
When was the Brandenburg Gate of Berlin first constructed and what it was used for?
It was commissioned by King Frederick William II of Prussia as a sign of peace and built by Carl Gotthard Langhans from 1788 to 1791. The Brandenburg Gate was not part of the old fortifications but one of 18 gates within the fiscal excise wall , erected in the 1730s, including the old fortified city and many of its then suburbs. Between 1788 and 1791 the prior simple guard houses siding the gate were replaced by the current construction.
How do I get this girl away from my boyfriend?
So I have a boyfriend and she comes outta no where ad starts to flirt with him in person and on via Facebook in front of my face!! She is known for stealing peoples boyfriends and got in a fist fight with another girl about the same problem! Any suggestions?
Can you annotate this story for me? Or what is it's genre?
paragraphs (a lot of people think its stupid but every point counts)
Is she a complete idiot? why don't people listen to warnings?
My sister used to date this guy. Me and my best friend found out everything he said were complete lies, he was a thief, had another girlfriend while dating her and possible a child, we had sufficient evidence for all our claims which turned out to be completely true. she kept dating him until he stole from her and called her a slut.
Someone stole my Apple iPad and i need help?
my iPad was stolen and i heard that you couldnt find it unless you had the find my iPad app on it which i had no idea there was. is there any way that i can find it without that app? PLEASE HELP!
Guys cam newton stole my laptop what do i do?
sign him to a huge contract...
Friday, March 4, 2011
Anyone use Sprenger jointed stirrups?
I have heard they are good for riders with knee and ankle pain. I have also heard that they don't feel nearly as stable/secure as a regular stirrup. I am borrowing some to try, but I haven't been riding much this winter, and my horse and I are too out of shape to give them a real workout. If you use them (or tried and discarded them), please let me know what you think. Also are the off brand like this: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a as good?
Why do 3 separate independent polls show the majority of Americans don't want Obama's budget passed?
Because most people don't know what the debt ceiling is all about.
I have to develop and explain my own ethical theory! Can some one help me!Please!?
In light of some of the strengths and weaknesses of the theories we have explored what would your ideal ethical theory look like. Is it rule based or more concerned with particulars. If it is based on particulars how is it that it can still be a system? Is it intentions or actions which may be called moral and immoral? Does the intention matter with regards to degree of morality? Is it based on reason or a “natural” feeling or sentiment? Feel free to pick and choose parts from the theories we have discussed but take possession of this theory and make it your own, convince me that it is better than the possibilities we have already discussed. While it will be tempting to say both for all of the questions above, I caution you that that is a very difficult position to maintain. If actions are what count as moral then you don't care why someone helped the lady cross the street, if you ask why then you are probably more intentions based with regards to ethics, if you would consider them more moral if they did it to be nice rather than the expectation of getting paid, then that's intentions. If it is particular with no rules which hold always then you are saying that rape is sometimes OK, as well as lying and stealing and murder (not self-defense or in war). If both feeling and reason at what point does one stop and the other start, how would you determine when to employ which? Furthermore, saying "common sense" tells me nothing sense can be used in the way that Hume used it to indicate something akin to touching and hearing and the other senses, or akin to reason if you have your "senses" about you that may be equated with wits or smarts. If you use "common sense" you'll need to articulate what you mean by that. Also, just to restate the golden rule is not adequate, Kant and Mill both took themselves to be articulating the golden rule and yet had very different theories. Catchphrases need explanation. Presume the reader wants to be more ethical and wants to use your system to do so, how would one go about implementing it? What must one do given a certain ethical dilemma to ensure that they will choose ethically? Or is it even possible to be certain in matters of ethics, and if not why not? Additionally, telling me about doing the "right thing" is meaningless unless you have first explained to me how I can determine what the "right" things is. (I apologize the description is so long!)
How many bags of Doritos can you eat before you get sick?
I have 2 unpaid defaults but currently working. Where can I get a car loan?
I am currently working full time but have 2 unpaid defaults in my name. I am in arrangments to pay these defaults but dont want to wait. I am making $50,000 per year and would like to borrow around $10000-15000. Only for sydney please. Thanks
"stealing" a prom date?
well...if you like guy #1 better than i think you should choose him. If your friend is that good of a friend than she'll understand and if she doesnt than its not worth the friendship. Good friends are always there for you, especially with guys. Choose which ever one you actually like, and that you think you will have a better time with. Don't let your friends choose for you, I almost made that mistake once and trust me if i did, my life would suck right now haha. Just go with your gut on this one
How do you figure out the number of bits borrowed?
7 is too few since 2^7 is less than 200. 8 is enough.
What to do about adult spy party.?
wow, I have to twist my wife's arm to convince her to get me a cake for my birthday
What does the phrase "I hate people with no beef" mean?
It means people with no muscle it's not religious but get the backpack back or tell an adult
Spaghetti, salad, and bread sticks to serve 100 people?
i just ate that mmmmmmmmm
Am i being too sensitive?
Why are you still friends with her? Stop talking to her. There is nothing at all that you are doing wrong. People used to do that to me. They are just trying to make you look bad because their jealous... this must be middle school...
John Morrison "The New Show Stopper"?
I don't care what nobody says, but John Morrison (and CM Punk) stole the show in that Elimination Chamber match last night. It hurts, I mean it really hurts to see John Cena main event Wrestlemania again. Please give me your thoughts.
I would tell them both together that you want no part in this, that they themselves have to sort it out between them. Your better off not having to choose between the two
Advice on the preface of my story?
oh my gosh this is so good. I wanna read more. If you post this anywhere tell me.
Vax carpet cleaner VS industrial Hire cleaner?
But becareful. Where there any animals there before you moved in? Because cleaning carpets not only pulls up old dirt, but it also pulls up old smells too. I learned this when I moved in to my first place. I'm in my second and now have hardwood floors. I pulled up the carpets and was lucky they were there. Good luck!
How do I change the ignition lock cylinder on my 1995 s10 if somebody stole my keys?
I really need answers asap plz. somebody stole my keys and I dont have a spare key so I have to replace the ignition lock cylinder so I can have keys to turn on. Thanks I will really apreciate answers
Borrowing to buy a baby?
I think that this is an incredibly bad idea in almost all cases. If the prospective parents had a trust fund that would release a lot of money in the near future, and they find the perfect child for their family, MAYBE I could see some justification, because they'd be able to pay off the loan in a short time. But in most cases, it's expensive enough to bring a new child into the family, whether adopted or born or whatever, new parents don't need to start out with a huge new debt.
Should i put a full chocolate bar in the b-day candy bags? 10 points!?
sounds a great idea - chocloate always goes down well
Trying to figure out the percentage. Please help.?
I think the 2nd one is 21....I ain't to good at math either
Where can I get Fjallraven Kanken bags in Singapore?
I've seen this bag on the internet and I REALLY want it!
Looking for recent songs that 'borrow' from other, older songs?
bottom to the top by capo dim
Can I take this piano keyboard on flight (picture included)?
Based on the dimensions, it's too big to go as a carry on and fit in the overhead bin. Standard carry-on allowance is 22" x 14" x 9" or 56 x 36 x 23 centimeters. The keyboard is 32", so you will need to make sure it is encased properly, checked and I would insure it, or ship it in advance with a reputable forwarding company, such as Fed Ex or UPS rather than entrust the airline with it.
Life span of new bags and shoes kept in storage?
I'm not sure there is actually one. I'm don't know why your items are deteriorating. My grandmother died last year and when we were cleaning out her house there were closets full of ladies dress shoes in regular cardboard shoe boxes that had not deteriorated at all from ~ 1950 - 1990. Not sure about the humidity but she kept the temperature in her house around 21�C year round.
You didn’t get mad when we didn’t catch Osama Bin Laden.?
I do not understand why Bin Laden got away and question why many of the other things you mentioned here happened. The whole thing is a big mess. I feel you.
What kinda of bag is this and Where can I get one?
Check to look for the similar bags at this online store ,I am sure you'll find what you want ,check to a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a .
Is it true 12 Highlanders and a bag pipe made a rebellion?
Is it true 12 Highlanders and a bag pipe made a rebellion?
Is my friend blowing me off?
Ok so this semester she is barely talking to me, we do not have a class together. She has invited to clubs to hang out, but friday she went with a good friend of mine to a school event without inviting me. She hasn't answered my text but she did fb my friend several hours after I sent her the text. We were supposed to hang out over the semester but she hasn't made any effort to hang out. She going to let me borrow a textbook, but it took so long that I bought the book on my own. What is up with this? Last semester we were so close (may have been because I was clicking her into class). Should I see her as less of a friend? This bugs the crap out of me all the time. (Btw we are not fighting).
I need help!!! (contains periods and feminine stuff)?
Well you always need to have your own supply of pads of your own. They are really cheap if you buy them in the right places. If you don't get much pockey money, why don't you ask your older sisters or an older female relative to tell your dad about this problem so he can provide you with extra money. Men are a little dumb about periods and probably has no idea that you need them.
Why do some fast food restaurants mess up orders?
to avoid you bothering them for a bag later... It's all about convenience and speed in the fast food world. If you don't like it, learn how to cook!!
Would you like to read further chapters of my Harry Potter fanfiction?
To be honest, not really. It's alright, but it's a little dry. We don't really know who Sara is, there isn't a whole lot of character development. I kind of like it, but you need to develop it more. I couldn't really connect with Sara because I don't know anything about her...
Why did I get in trouble for all this?
Well let's see. Someone let your borrow something and you broke it. The 2 year old probably would not have broken the fish tank had they had been watched carefully. Do you really need to be told this? You do not leave a 2 year old alone PERIOD. Are you sure you are 21?
Friend accused of stealing, video surveillance question!?
If there is no on-site monitoring the cameras will be recorded, no normal premises can afford anyone to stare at a monitor all day. Recording can be local in the building, or remotely at the installer's control centre. Alternatively the local recordings can be downloaded to control at intervals so there are multiple copies. ALL local dvr machines not only record, but present an Internet connection for remote recording. And it might be the security company have a contract only requiring them to attend on site within 3 or 4 days. in which case he might have to wait for that before they burn the dvd for the police. On all my systems I generally do this remotely.
Bring Down Swelling...?
I gave birth to my daughter on the 17th of this month, While I was in Labor they gave me four bags of saline through and IV, my ankles, legs, and hands are very swollen and i'm told its from the fluid from the IV. My ankles and hands are more swollen then when I was pregnant. Any suggestions on how I can bring the swelling down?
Thursday, March 3, 2011
How to ask for money back politely?
I bought a friend a $50 e-cigarette online to help her quit. I showed her Friday and she told me to put it in her bag at school so I quickly did. I said it was $50 and she told me she would pay me monday. mONDAY i asked she said she would pay me...its been about a week. How can I say pay me back! I am such a pushover how can I also keep people from using me.
Who is your favorite punching bag ?
Mine is Justin Bieber ... I can crack some real nasties at his expense & the fact that I can rile the tweens up into defending him & calling me names nothing short of amuses me & then there are the TDs that they dole out ... its like the fun never ends xDDD
What's the next teacher class lesson in Wisconsin?
First was how to lie to your employer and go play hooky, next how to cheat or steal from the system --or-- who cares how much it hurts someone else to fund my perks?
How is my first chapter in my story? (Asked this before.. no one answered.)?
you got my bought!! great book!!!
How to do this heart shape fold?
i have a kirigami kit and my sister let her friend borrow the instructions and now i cant do these. and it is a calendar kit and im on Thursday February 10
Where can i buy a Messenger Cargo bag?
i want the bag that Emily uses in the show pretty little liars, i want a bag that has the same color shape and everything!! please help me out!!!
Can anyone make me a short speech to start a revolution in my school?
well, everyone in the school is pissed because of douche bag teachers and school days on holidays. So I want to think of a super epic inspiring speech that could maybe get the students to join together and fight against the evil teachers and principles n stuff. anyone got any ideas?
Do you have any knowledge re my rights and my French Divorce?
I think this is the wrong category--maybe in another section they might know more and be able to help out.
How many Roadmaster Harley sportster bicycles were made?
We just recently purchased a Roadmaster Harley Davidson Sportster bicycle off of ebay. They don't make these anymore is about the only thing we know. It is red and a 20in. bike. They were around $300.00 new. We haven't been able to figure out how many were made though, and we are wondering how rare these bikes are? The bike we purchased has the original saddle bags, and we are getting a rear license plate thing with it.
Who is buying purses?
who is buying purses, bags, and what kind of bags are more popular? leather, replicas, fashion bags? what prices are the most popular, and where are these customers buying them, internet, retail outlets? Do these purchases include wallets, and men shoulder bags? What is the current market trends? Are these suppliers or manufacturers in the USA, or are these bags imported mostly?
Do you walk around with this constantly in mind?
No, I prefer mindless comedies over mindless dogma.
What's your favorite pick-up line?
My favorite is "Are your legs tired? Because you look like you spread them a lot." I stole that from someone brilliant and I don't remember who it is. But credit to whoever that was, years ago. So just for giggles, what's your favorite pick up line?
Should I move away from my crazy parents and into an apartment with my brother?
Do yourself a favor and get out. Stand up for yourself because no one else will. It's good that your brother is willing to help you out. Just make sure he isn't going to treat you the same way and just use you to pay all the bills.
How rare is our red 20in. Roadmaster Harley Davidson Sportster bicycle?
We recently purchased one of these on ebay. We have found out that they sold for around $300.00 new, and that the company Roadmaster has gone out of business. How many of these were made? Ours is red and it comes with the original saddle bags, we are also getting a license plate thing that was available for this particular bicycle.
I am being accused of stealing a purse that looks similar to someone elses that was stolen 8 mo. ago.?
Last june I had a daycare provider who's Coach purse was stolen the night before when she went to dinner with her family. I did not know about this until the day I went to pay her she could not find her purse at that time!! I went to her house to drop the kids off on Monday morning and she told me what happened. She said when she went out to dinner she had her purse but did not remember if she left it there or if she brought it home. She said she called the police but never heard anything. We kinda had a falling out and have not been thee since July. Last Sept. me and a friend went rummage sale shopping and I ended up buying 2 purses that day on that look similar to her's but it did not say Coach and the lining was not inside and it was pinned. I bought the purse for $5. Last week I went to pick my kids up from school she was standing at my car taking a picture she then said do you know what I have on here, I said what, she said a picture of my purse in your car. I said i bought that at a rummage sale. She said it's Coach purse and it's very unique. Well she then satingg coming towards me and attacked me I then got intostartingr an left. About 5 min later that cop s pulled me over and asked me if I new what this was about, I said yes probably the incident at school. He ran my licence and said I was good to go but don'tdisregardd the purse cause she says it's unique and that he saw the purse. He did write down that she did attack me and he saw the marks on my neck. He did not ask for the purse. I then went down to the police station because my neighbour said one stopped at my house. I asked to talk to someone about what happen. He ask me a few questions and took a picture of the purse. He asked me were i got it and i told, and that I have a witness to verify that i bought it at a rummage sale. He called her the next day in the morning and her a few question. On Monday the cop stopped at my house and told my husband for me to call him back. What should I do
Does the samsung magnet work with tmobile?
My best friend got her cell phone stolen a couple weeks ago so I want to give her my old phone but she has tmobile and the samsung magnet is originally a at&t phone...will it work still?
How to be prepared for my period?
So I am 13 and I have been experiencing all the period "symptoms" and I feel like it will be here soon. And heredity proves that! How can I prepare myself at school? I have been wearing pads every day because of dishcarge but thats it. My teachers don't let you take bags or anything to the bathroom and I don't want to go to the bathroom during passing period because there is not enough time and all the girls do their makeup in there and that would be weird. Since I am out and about shopping quite abit I have put pads, liners, anti bacterial lotion, underwear, and quarters. So please help me how do I prepare for my period? And what do I do I mean I cant take my whole bag or a little makeup bag for one because since the teachers wont let you like I said and two kids stare and stare? Thanks!!
When purchasing second hand university textbooks, what percentage of the 'new' price would you expect to pay?
In general for books in reasonable but not pristine condition (previous books I have borrowed from this person have had a lot of sections highlighted but otherwise in good condition), what would be a fair percentage to pay?
Is she a complete idiot? why don't people listen to warnings?
My sister used to date this guy. Me and my best friend found out everything he said were complete lies, he was a thief, had another girlfriend while dating her and possible a child, we had sufficient evidence for all our claims which turned out to be completely true. she kept dating him until he stole from her and called her a slut.
Why is John B a thin skinned d-bag who blocks people that expose his ignorance?
i honestly don't know
Will I be convicted for a first time offense shoplifting in NJ?
I did something stupid but and I will never do it again but I got caught shoplifting. Well actually, I left the story without stealing anything but a cop followed me out, searched me and found an aluminum foil bag that would be used to steal something so I am being charged with that. What should I expect to happen to me in NJ? I do not mind fines or community service, I just do not want to be convicted. I am 18 years old and I attend Rutgers University if that is any help to not get me convicted. Also to note, I had already spent one night in jail and had to pay $750 bail, would that affect anything?
What fashion & home craft items can I make with satin and organza?
I'm looking for different ideas to use satin and organza material. The material can't be used together cos they are different colours. I thought of organza bags (for jewellery) and curtain tie backs with organza and satin. Also satin head-bows or cushion covers. Any other ideas or suggestions?
New heels or new outfit?
Whats better AND why? New high heels or a new top and matching clutch bag for a night out? Ive only got money to get one or the other because I still need money to get into the club a taxi drinks.. ect. x
I get jealous when I shouldn't...advice please!?
Ok, so I've been going to the gym with my best friend for a couple of years, and in the past few months, a friend of hers from work has started joining us. I hate it, and I don't really know what to do about it. The girl is nice enough to me, I just get ridiculously jealous when we're there because they are kind of close. I know it's stupid, but I can't help it. I miss having that time alone with my best friend, and this girl is a lot more outgoing and fun than I am. Do you have any tips on getting over jealousy this jealousy? :( I hate it and it makes me feel like I'm being an awful person. I want to be friends with this girl, but I just get too worried that she's stealing my best friend. :(
Donald Trump filed for bankruptcy twice, how could he turn the country around?
Proposals, the Donald Trump style: The United States of America could declare bankruptcy with China, then Donald can send them to McDonald's if the Chinese don't agree to forget the money they lent us. Then we should borrow from another country, and when it comes time to pay them back, we could just file again? That is clearly the way the Don stays on top and successful.
Worried about my sis going to school?
My half sister came here two weeks or so ago from the Philippines. I haven't met her for a while. I just turned 13 but in 7th grade and my half sister is starting school tomorrow in 8th grade and is turning 14 in a week or so. I know I can't stop her from going to school but I need advice. Okay well she's always want more attention than me so she's like competitive kind of even though I don't get much and not trying. Anyway when people are like who's she or new girl or looks at her cause she's new shell think she's getting more attention and think people think shes 'hot' (no offense she's not that pretty but it's annoying when she tries to hard it won't make her be pretty) and shell brag to me. The other thing I'm worried about is that she might want to steal my friends not because she think she cant make any she just want to make everybody like her better than me. Advice? I dint want really want to know why she wants to to this ( you can say that still ) but how to stop her and payback and show how I feel other than steal her friends or tell her. I will tell her when time is right but what can I do without telling. Pls don't be offending or unhelpful. Thanks
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
My friend and I are having a joint 17th birthday.?
If she's really your friend then you should just be straight with her. You don't have to be rude or anything, but tell both of them that you have a bad past with this guy and don't want him at your joint party. If need be (in case they're stubborn) point out that this party is meant for the both of you and you should both feel comfortable. Try not to bring up the money issue with your friend or she might think that what you're really upset about is the financial situation. Good luck, and don't be afraid to stick up for yourself.
Do women secretly control the world?
Are you by chance related to the long-winded yet colorful story teller /porn theater wanker?
I let my friend borrow my copy of halo reach but he won't give it back?
I offered to sell it to him for $30 but he's tryna lowball me and he won't give it back I don't wanna beat him up but...what should I do?
Bought an Ipod 3g but i think thath it might be stolen?
The guy didnt exactly tell me that it was stolen but when i connected it to my comp. the name did not appear to be his if it was stolen can they find it even though they dnt have a mobileme find my ipod touch acc. open?
How do I get the respect I deserve from family/friends who do not take me seriously?
People are always gonna either abuse, or not take you seriously If you let them... If they ask you for money say you don't have enough do to them what they do to you.. If they are surprised that you bought your own home let them you know you worked hard to get it and I'm sure you don't brag about it so it's not like your doing all this for them.. But it would be nice for if you got your money back... Sorry if I didn't help
Your EX calls asking you for money, do you let him/her borrow money?
Fukc that
What is the difference between a d-bag and an a**hole?
Thats a tuffy... Well an asshole is full of ****! ... N a douche bag should never b a douche twice! Lol.
Followed in target by shop lift prevention! What next?
So i was in target and i was attempting to steal a pair of $30 headphones. Before you tell me i shouldn't steal trust me after this i will never do it again. They followed me around speaking into their intercoms and i was so scared i just threw the headphones away half opened. They didn't stop me from leaving because my sister draged me out but i'm scared about what will happen next.I've probably stolen like over $300 in the past 3 to 4 years and i turn 15 in march.
I really need to understand something.......?
Ok so lately I have been thinking a lot about you know like universe and stuff politics ect. I am just wondering why people can be so so so nice but other people can be such d---h bags I also don't understand why people need money it just seems to wreck the society you know because if we had know money no one would get paid but no one would need to pay as everything would be free??? Van you please help!?
So, did your friend learn her lesson not to give out her locker combo to anyone? Perhaps you already had a feeling he wasn't trustworthy. She needs to listen to her own intuition.
What do you think of my theory on left-wing "anti-racism"?
I think it's TL:DR.
Bags and dark circles under my eyes?
How do I get rid of them? Any quick ways or does it take a while? thanks! x
Place/attraction in tennessee were you can look for stones in all different colors?
theres this attraction somewhere in TN were you can buy a bag in different sizes and you can fill it with as many minerals/stones/rocks as you can find and you can take them home but you dont find the stones in the water you find them on the ground and I was wondering if anyone knew the name of this place? I seen it on some tv show about vacations and attractions and they showed people in some kind of cave structure or something (but they werent underground) and they were squatting on the ground looking for stones and putting them in the bags
How can I persuade my cat to give up smoking?
run it over with your car
Will I be convicted for a first time offense shoplifting in NJ?
I did something stupid but and I will never do it again but I got caught shoplifting. Well actually, I left the story without stealing anything but a cop followed me out, searched me and found an aluminum foil bag that would be used to steal something so I am being charged with that. What should I expect to happen to me in NJ? I do not mind fines or community service, I just do not want to be convicted. I am 18 years old and I attend Rutgers University if that is any help to not get me convicted. Also to note, I had already spent one night in jail and had to pay $750 bail, would that affect anything?
Should we privatize Social Security?
SS will run out in 2035, where have you been?
I feel like such a waste of space.Im 15!!?
Tell mom you would like to sit and talk with her one on one. Tell her how you feel. Voice you concerns, and how sad you are. Regardless of whether you talk to your mom or not, there is no reason for you to harm yourself. Why complain about your mother, if you don't treat yourself any better. Get out of the room and visit your friends, talk to them on the telephone, e-mail them. You are shutting yourself off from other people. You need an outing, even its not a physical outing. Communication with others (friends) is needed badly. Learn how to love and appreciate yourself. There is only one you. Develop your life by being involved in sports, and other activities. Good luck.
Does she like me? Please answer.?
Honestly you're in 6th grade and writing an essay about if a girl likes you. Just ask her out. Girls that young have no idea what they want.
How long has America been indebted to China?
What was the Presidential Administration that first borrowed money and what was the reason? What was in it for China?
My friend lost my $600 earrings and ipod?
I dont know if she stole or lost them, but shes my best friend and a few months ago she begged for me to let me let her borrow my $600 dollar earrings. I told her she can, but has to give them back to me. So after a few weeks later, my mom was asking for me to wear them but I had to give her an excuse because my friend had them. Now, a few months later (I know, I forgot about them) she told me that they where in one of her purses, and we both searched every purse she had and they werent in any of them. My mom has been freaking out over them because Ive had them since I was a baby. So today I brought them up again and she said "My mom even remembers me giving back to you," and i know for a fact she never did because I would of found it by now. And also, we started bringing ipods to school and she always kept them in her bag and brung them home with her. She lost both of them, I ended up finding hers in the "bag search" but now mine is missing. She says shes 100% sure she doesnt have either and now im really f**cked. what do I do? How do I find them at her house? Shes also my best friend and I cant start any problems with her. I know she wouldnt steal them but she always wants to borrow my brand name clothes and I never want to give them to her because im scared she loses or damages them. I cant let her repay for my earrings and ipod so.......
What is the cause of global cooling? Has global cooling stopped?
Your grammar is horrible and you make no sense. Go smoke some more Canadian weed... I hear its almost legal there. This is what legalized weed causes.
How to get 10 dollars before wednesday?
I just agreed to buy a game boy color and 2 games (Ms. Pac man and We're Back) from one of my friends for 10 bucks. One of my friends is going to let me borrow Super Mario Bros Deluxe and another friend is going to let me borrow pokemon versions Crystal and Gold. I want them so bad!!! But I don't have 10 bucks! I asked my mom if I could work for or borrow the money, but she's broke too. I don't know anyone else who I can get money from. What can I do?
Are you good enough to go to Heaven?
No one is good enough to go to Heaven. Our only hope is to plead the blood of Christ.
Did I eat too much today? Should I not eat tomorrow?
no sounds all good though u ate nuts its weird that u were still able to eat more
Should I have told him how I felt? Easy 10 pts?
I liked this guy and I had a gut feeling he liked me... Flirted smiled, went out of his way to talk to me.. AND STARED ALOT!! all the signs he was interested were there.. But I'm shy n never told or showed my feelings... Well he got a girlfriend and now he is rude to me.. Ignores me totally.. He still stares a lot.. But doesn't say hi or talk to me! Should I have told him how I felt? Or is he just a douche bag? Thanks for all answers!!! =]
What would you do if..?
LOL... I'd throw it in their window. XD
Did i eat too much today? I am on a diet!?
Too much sugar.
What was the point of this girl leading me to sit with her on the bench?
start a conversation will probably be best to begin with, then you'll know if she wants more
Borrowing a friends ID to get into beyond wonderland 18+?
im borrowing a friends ID who looks similar to me, same hair color somewhat same smile same type of eyes. and im turning 17 march 11 and there is a even called beyond wonderland march 19 that is 18+ if i went with my friends ID could i get in?
Poll: Would a trash bag full of puppies float?
How do I tell him....?
Don't tel him. That only gives him the opportunity to mess with you.
When did liberals stop understanding economics?
They think tax, spend, borrow, and regulate is good for the economy...
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